We are now offering multiple class formats to meet the varied needs of expectant families. Please see below and our calendar for in-person and online options.

In an effort to make our classes accessible to all, scholarships are available - please contact us.

Childbirth Education

Options for your childbearing year

See below for listing of upcoming classes - check out the calendar for details!

Upcoming Classes (see descriptions below for class descriptions & registration information):

Active Birth 8 class Series:

January 7-February 11, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30-8:30p (all classes in person except Class 7, 2/4, online)

February 25 - April 8, weekly on Tuesdays (one Thursday class, April 3), 6:30-8:30p

April 22-June 3, weekly on Tuesdays (two Thursday classes), 6:30-8:30p (all classes in person except class 7, 5/29, online)

Birth Prep Workshop: Sunday, March 30 (10a-2p IN PERSON) and Monday, March 31, 6:30-8:30p (online)

Sunday, May 4 (10a-2p IN PERSON) and Monday, May 5, 6:30-8:30p (online)

Sunday, July 13 (10a-2p IN PERSON) and Monday, July 14, 6:30-8:30p (online)

Active Birth Mini Series (4 classes):

March Series: March 6, 13, 20, 27, online. Class 2, March 13, IN-PERSON; 6:00-8:00pm each week

May Series: May 22, 29, June 5, June 12. Classes 2 & 4 held in-person, classes 1 &3 held online. 6-8p each week.

Spinning Babies Parent Workshop (in-person):

March 9, 12-3p; April 6, 12-3p; May 18, 12-3p

Breastfeeding Basics (offered monthly online, 6:30-8:30p): February 24, March 19, April 16, May 21

Life with Your Newborn: April 7, 5:30-8:30p (in-person)

Home Sweet Homebirth: contact Tisha@AlbanyFamilyLifeCenter.org for more information and registration

Labor & Birth Refresher Class: Contact Jessica@AlbanyFamilyLifeCenter.org

Smart from the Start: Contact Jessica@AlbanyFamilyLifeCenter.org

Active Birth

Evidence-based information, the experience of long-time birthworkers, and a sense of community are highlights of our classes. We want everyone to receive the information they need! From the Active Birth 8 Week Series to a 3 hour refresher class for experienced families, we offer a variety of class formats to meet your scheduling needs.

For all classes, please wear comfortable clothes and note that we ask everyone to remove their shoes at the door.

Snacks, tea and water will be provided. Special diets will be accommodated. Bring your own lunch or plan on eating nearby.

Cost is $410 per family. Please see the class and event schedule for upcoming classes and their registration deadlines. Contact Jessica with questions or to reserve your spot: (518) 727-8219 or jessica@albanyfamilylifecenter.org.


8 Week Active Birth Series

Week 1: Active Birth – Early Labor Movement and discussion of early labor and the physiology of pregnancy, labor & birth. Both rest and activity are great for early labor. This class will give lots of tips on how to balance the two!  

Week 2: Support! How to build the best birth support team for YOU! Class will cover birth plans, care provider selection, doula support,  and tips for making your birth setting personalized and amazing!  

Week 3: Active Birth – Active Labor Movement during Active Labor can help mom stay comfortable and help baby come quicker!  Learn and practice labor positions using birth balls, partner support and other props.  We will explore comfort measures (hot/cold packs, aromatherapy, water, etc…) that can help you through!   We will also focus on optimal baby positioning and what you can do to help your baby find the path of least resistance!  

Week 4: Exploring Choices for Birth Challenges Discussion of interventions offered by medicine and other supports to help you roll with the birthing process as it unfolds. Relaxation techniques will be included. 

Week 5: Active Birth – Pushing and Emergence Movement, supported positions, partner tips, paying particular attention to transition, pushing, and the moment of birth.  

Week 6: The Golden Hour Class will focus on the Golden Hour immediately after birth, initial breastfeeding, postpartum wellness and family adjustment (pets included!).  

Week 7: Birth Stories and Birth Plan Review One of the most important things you can do to prepare for the journey of childbirth is to surround yourself with positive, empowering stories!  New families will come share their birthing tales and answer your questions!  At the end of class, the instructor will give each family some one on one time for birth plan review.  Make sure you bring them to class! 

Week 8: Babies! OK, Now what?! What can you expect as your new normal after your baby is born?  In this class we will discuss Sleeping choices, feeding your baby, finding community with other new families, finding a pediatrician, diapering, basic newborn care, etc. 

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Active Birth Mini-Series

This class will cover all of the material offered in the first 6 weeks of the Active Birth Series, and includes:

  • physiology of pregnancy and birth

  • movement to help with pregnancy discomforts

  • support during the childbearing year

  • movement and positions for labor, birth and optimal baby positioning

  • partner support

  • challenges during birth

  • medical and non-medical interventions

  • the golden hour immediately after birth

  • postpartum health

  • family adjustment

  • infant care, pediatrician selection

Snacks, tea and water will be provided. Special diets will be accommodated. Bring your own lunch or plan on eating nearby. Please see the class and event schedule for upcoming classes and their registration deadlines. Please contact Sarah@AlbanyFamilyLifeCenter.org to register. $205 per family, pre-registration required.

Birth Prep Workshop (One day)

We understand that life is busy and sometimes it’s difficult to find Childbirth Education classes that fit your schedule. That’s why we are offering a full-day active birth immersion class! This class will cover all of the material offered in our Tuesday night class series, but all in one day. Topics include:

  • physiology of pregnancy and birth

  • movement to help with pregnancy discomforts

  • nutrition

  • support during the childbearing year

  • movement and positions for labor, birth and optimal baby positioning

  • partner support

  • challenges during birth

  • medical and non-medical interventions

  • the golden hour immediately after birth

  • postpartum health

  • family adjustment

  • infant care, pediatrician selection

Snacks, tea and water will be provided. Special diets will be accommodated. Bring your own lunch or plan on eating nearby. Please see the class and event schedule for upcoming classes and their registration deadlines. Please contact Sarah@AlbanyFamilyLifeCenter.org to register. $205 per family, pre-registration required.

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Refresher Class

Calling all experienced parents who are expecting another baby: This class is for you! Refresh your knowledge for your upcoming labor and the birth of your new little one.
In this three hour class, we will cover :
– stages of labor
– comfort measures
– relaxation techniques
– birth plans
– sibling adjustment and family preparation
Facilitated by Jessica Hayek, CCCE, Doula. Please see the class and event schedule for upcoming classes and their registration deadlines. Contact Jessica with questions or to reserve your spot: (518) 727-8219 or jessica@albanyfamilylifecenter.org.  $85 per family for 3 hour class, pre-registration required.

Home Sweet Homebirth

This 3-week series is offered monthly and will cover the following topics: The Divine Design of Labor and Birth, Ways of Working with the Power of Labor, Labor Support for Partners, The Wide Range of Normal, Indications for Transfer of Care or Transport to Hospital, Immediate Postpartum, The Baby Moon, Breastfeeding, Taking Care of Mother, Baby and Family. $200 for series. Facilitated by Tisha Graham, CPM, CCE, ICD, CLC. Please pre-register with Tisha: (518) 366-2159, tisha@birthnewyork.org. Please note that the class location will alternate between Albany and Saratoga Springs on an as-needed basis. Contact Tisha if you would like to take the class, and see our Schedule for upcoming dates.

Homebirth Basics

A single class exploring the dynamics of homebirth. A great extension to our Active Birth series. For families either considering or planning a homebirth. Facilitated by Jessica Hayek, CCCE, Doula. Please pre-register with Jessica: (518) 727-8219, jessica@albanyfamilylifecenter.org.

Smart from the Start

We recommend this class be taken 12-20 weeks into your pregnancy. Congratulations! You’re having a baby! What do you do now? In this 1.5 hour class we will discuss…
- Choosing care providers and birthplace – OB? Midwife? Doula? Home? Hospital?
- Nutritional guidelines
- How your partner can be a helpful, active part of growing this baby
- Your changing body and evolving emotions
- Ways to soothe the discomforts of pregnancy
- Exercise
- Childbirth Education
- Common tests and monitoring
- Finding your community and support during this wild, beautiful ride.

Class will be held on Zoom until further notice. $35 per family. To register, please contact Jessica@AlbanyFamilyLifeCenter.org 518-727-8219

Spinning Babies Parent Workshop

This 3 hour workshop is held for 1-3 couples with lots of time for one on one instruction. This is a movement based workshop in which participants will learn how to ease discomforts of pregnancy and prepare the body to birth. Participants will learn about the three levels of the pelvis, and how you we can move our bodies in labor to aid in baby's passage for a smoother, perhaps shorter, birth experience. $100 per family. Contact Liz.leue@gmail.com to register.

I am so glad my husband and I decided to take our birthing class at the Family Life Center. After attending other classes (childcare, breastfeeding etc) at both Albany Med, St. Peter’s, I can say for sure that the FLC offers the most comprehensive and empowering curriculum. We entered the class as nervous newbies, overwhelmed and frankly terrified. We left the class feeling truly excited for birth. Jess’s teaching style was warm and empowering and we felt confident and prepared with all the information she provided. Everything we learned at the FLC was fully evidence-based, but framed from the perspective of birth as a joyful and natural experience, which was exactly what I was looking for! I would highly, highly recommend this class to any first time birthing person!

— Olivia, Albany NY

My husband and I took the Active Birth Class with Sarah a few months ago. We just wanted to send a thank you for doing all that you do! We were so fortunate to have had the opportunity to take the course as we feel that it fully prepared us to have an amazing birth experience. We were able to take the information that we learned to support each other throughout the pregnancy as well as the birth of our son.We will speak highly of our experience with the Family Life Center and hope that you will continue to provide these services for many years to come!

— The Le Family